Discover the new card
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What is a Visa Debit Card?
Just like the Maestro card, Visa Debit is a debit card. With a debit card, amounts are debited from your account immediately. You can use the Visa Debit Card to make cashless payments at Visa acceptance points and withdraw cash from ATMs all over the world. You can also use the Visa Debit Card for online shopping and save it in mobile payment apps.
Why has the Maestro card been replaced by the Visa Debit Card?
The Visa Debit Card offers you a whole host of new functionalities, possible uses and benefits that the Maestro card is not able to provide:
- Shop online worldwide with 3-D Secure
- Mobile payments with smartphone and smartwatch
- Lodge your card details for subscription services (e.g. Spotify, Netflix)
- Reservations (hotel, car, etc.)
- Independent card management in CIC eLounge (e.g. manage card blocking, new PIN requests, geoblocking, limits and what the card can be used for)
What is the difference between my Visa Debit Card and my credit card?
Both cards can be used for your day-to-day banking transactions like online shopping, mobile payments on your smartphone and hotel reservations in Switzerland and abroad. With a credit card, you are billed at the end of the billing period. When settling, you can also pay the amount to the credit card company in instalments. With a debit card, transactions are debited directly from your account, provided that you have sufficient credit.
Can I use my card as soon as I have ordered it?
To be able to use your card (in a shop, on your smartphone or online, for example) you have to activate it with the PIN. This can be done when paying at the POS or withdrawing cash. You will be sent the PIN for your Visa Debit Card by post.
Where do I find the CVV number?
The three-digit CVV security code is on the back of the card next to the expiry date.
How do I use the card to shop online?
You can verify online purchases with a 3-D Secure (3DS) confirmation, making it easy and secure to pay for your orders online. To use 3DS, you first need to register in the debiX+ app. For more details see the section on online payments (debiX+ app).
Is the Visa Debit Card accepted by car rental companies?
The Visa Debit Card has all the functions needed to rent a car. An amount can be reserved on the card as a guarantee. It is up to the rental company whether they accept the card or not.
Do I have to sign my Visa Debit Card?
The new Visa Debit Card does not need to be signed. The PIN is used to check the validity of the payment.
Do I have to enter my PIN when making contactless payments?
The PIN must be entered for amounts over CHF 80. Each PIN authorisation resets the limit for contactless payments.
Contactless payments abroad
Once you have reached the limit for contactless payments (depending on the number and amount of transactions), you have to re-enter your PIN. With some terminals abroad, however, you will not be asked for your PIN and the transaction will be rejected immediately. To reset the limit, you have to use the card with the chip by inserting it into the card reader. You will then be able to make contactless payments again.
I have a limit of CHF 3 000, but can only pay CHF 500. Why is availability restricted?
Availability on the account is checked for each transaction. Even if the limit is high enough, a transaction will be declined if the account has insufficient cover. The amount available can be checked in eLounge at any time.
Security and card management
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How can I protect my Debit Card?
You can take the following actions to protect your Visa debit card better:
- Geoblocking: you can deactivate a region or country.
- Limits: with the right limits, you can reduce the impact of fraudulent use.
- Options for use: never use your card online? Just deactivate this option to protect your card.
You can adjust all the settings yourself at any time in eLounge. For more information, see our card security information sheet or go to
When do the changes I make in card management take effect?
Changes made in card management take effect immediately. You can check under "Meine Aufträge” (My orders) to see if the status is "Verarbeitet” (Processed).
This is the link for card management.
You can also access card management in eLounge under the following path:
Login eLounge / Payments / Cards / Button: To card management
Then select "Meine Aufträge” (My orders). All changes are shown there.

Where can I see a temporary transaction or reservations?
You can view temporary, reserved and declined transactions in eLounge under "Card management".
This is the link for card management.
You can also access card management in eLounge under the following path:
Login eLounge / Payments / Cards / Button in top right-hand corner: To card management
Then select "Meine Zahlungsmittel” (My means of payment) / Details of desired card / scroll to the end of the page / everything in the "Transactions" (“Transaktionen”) category is displayed there.
Can I unblock my card myself?
Yes, if you blocked your card yourself in eLounge, you can also unblock it again there.
Does geoblocking apply to online payments, too?
No, geoblocking adjustments only apply to physical use of the card in shops and at cash machines.
How do I change the PIN?
Your PIN can be changed at any cash machine in Switzerland.
I have forgotten my PIN. How do I get a new one?
You can order a new PIN yourself in eLounge under "Card management". The new PIN will arrive by post within a few days.
This is the link for card management.
You can also access card management in eLounge under the following path:
Login eLounge / Payments / Cards / Button in top right-hand corner: To card management
Then select "Meine Zahlungsmittel” (My means of payment) / "Details” of the desired card / button: “Neue PIN bestellen” (Order new PIN)
I have lost my Visa Debit Card or it has been stolen. What should I do?
The card should be blocked at once. You can block your card yourself in eLounge and then order a replacement directly. Alternatively, you can also have your card blocked by the Bank Card Support Centre on +41 58 268 16 99.
I would like to object to a card transaction. What should I do?
Please call the Bank Card Support Centre (available 24/7) on +41 58 268 16 99.
My card is defective. What can I do?
We replace defective Visa Debit Cards free of charge. Please order one directly in eLounge under "Card management", or call our helpline on +41 58 268 16 00.
I have received the PIN and the OTRC letter, but no debit card; what should I do?
For security reasons the debit card is sent one day after the PIN. If you have not received your new debit card within three working days of delivery of the PIN please contact our helpline on +41 58 268 16 00.
Online payments (debiX+ app)
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Why do I need the debiX+ app?
The debiX+ app from SIX allows you to confirm online transactions with 3-D Secure. Using 3-D Secure makes transactions safer and protects you against card fraud.
You only need the debiX+ app to confirm payments when shopping online with 3-D Secure. The decision as to whether a transaction uses 3-D Secure processing is taken by the retailer.
What is the purpose of the OTRC letter?
The OTRC letter contains a code to register your Visa debit card in the debiX+ app. If you do not want to use the app, you do not need this letter and can destroy it. If necessary, you can order another letter in eLounge by selecting "Card management" from the menu.
What is 3-D Secure and how do I use it?
The 3-D Secure process makes online payments with your Visa debit card more secure, reducing the risk of unauthorised use of your card. Save your Visa debit card in the debiX+ app from SIX More information on the debiX+ app can be found here.
Why was there no 3DS confirmation when I bought something online?
The seller is responsible for using 3-D Secure. Even if the seller uses 3-D Secure, it may be that confirmation is not required. Each payment is assessed individually. The system determines whether 3DS confirmation is required or not.
I do not want to make online payments; can I deactivate this type of use?
It is easy to adjust the types of use yourself (including online payments) in eLounge under "Card management".