
Investment themes

cleverinvest is a focused way of using shares to invest in trends and themes. Instead of selecting individual shares, you focus on current and attractive themes and determine the percentage weighting they are to have in your portfolio.

Bank CIC’s investment experts look for themes which illustrate trends in societal, market and macroeconomic developments and offer the prospect of high growth potential and return opportunities in the medium and long term. The investment universe for cleverinvest consists of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and index funds. They then select the best funds that fully capture the relevant theme and offer the best value for money.

Investment instruments with a focus on sustainability

Depending on the investment theme, the underlying investment funds meet ESG criteria (see icons with green leaf).


Investment funds are selected in a three-stage investment process. First, the performance of the fund, the tracking error and the management team are reviewed. We then analyse the cost structure and compare it with the peer group. Finally, the leaders and laggards at the sustainability level are identified. We favour funds with a better MSCI ESG rating.


The special risks in connection with sustainability (ESG risks) can be found in the brochure "Risks involved in trading financial instruments".

Digital economy – Digitalisation is forging inexorably ahead. The digital economy heralds the beginning of a new era. “Digital through and through” is the mantra, with e-commerce, digital methods of payment, cyber security, social media, cloud computing, robotics and the sharing economy all key aspects in this allocation.

Smart cities – Smart technologies have great potential to ensure a better air qualiy in our cities and make them safer and cleaner for us. The index is intended to show the performance of companies which are expected to generate significant revenue from areas such as smart connectivity (i.e. the “Internet of Things”, or IoT), smart buildings, smart homes, smart security, smart mobility, smart waste/water management and smart energy, as well as with intelligent networks.

Future mobility – Driverless cars, drone taxis, self-driving trains, battery-powered buses, car-sharing fleets, city bikes: the mobility of the future has many facets. But the mode of transport is less important than what makes the journey possible: the interplay between modes of transport will shape the intelligent mobility of the future. This is where digitalisation comes in. It will make it possible to manage all traffic in such a way that it will flow more freely again and optimum use be made of all available modes of transport and resources. The index is intended to show the performance of companies which are expected to generate significant revenue from areas such as electric vehicles and their components, autonomous vehicles and associated technologies, new methods of transporting passengers and goods, electrochemical energy storage technologies, joint mobility, and mining and metals companies that are involved in manufacturing batteries.

Disruptive technologies – Robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), self-driving cars, biotechnology, 3D printing and the Internet of Things are ushering in a new industrial revolution. The index is intended to show the performance of companies which are expected to generate significant revenue from areas such as 3D printing, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, fintech, digital payments, healthcare, robotics, clean energy, intelligent networks and cyber security.

Millennials – “Generation Y” (born between 1980 and around 2000) often live in urban areas, are tech-savvy, keen to take advantage of new trends and open to new ideas: it is said that millennials and their money will change the world. The index is intended to show the performance of companies which are expected to generate significant revenue from areas such as social media and entertainment, health and fitness, clothing and clothing accessories, food and drink, travel and leisure, residential and household goods and financial services.

Sustainability and social responsibility – Investments in sustainability and social responsibility have long since ceased to be a niche theme, and excellent returns can be achieved. This theme is suitable for investors who would like to invest along ecological and social lines and mainly want to consider companies which operate sustainably. This investment fund solely contains companies that rate highly in the areas of environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance when compared with competitors in their sector.

Swiss and European equities – This asset class covers the regions, and hence the economic performance, of Switzerland and/or Europe. Investment is in broadly diversified funds, so you invest in the largest Swiss or European equities and cover almost all sectors of the Swiss or European economy.

Swiss and European bonds – Bonds are a good asset class if you want to protect yourself when the economy is becoming weaker. Interest rates tend to fall when the economy becomes weaker. Bond prices then rise accordingly.

Emerging market equities – An allocation in countries such as China, India and Brazil provides major opportunities, as economic growth in these regions will continue to increase sharply. Although emerging market equities are riskier, you will make even more of a profit when the markets are doing well.

Gold – Gold has proved to be crisis-resistant in the past and is significantly less volatile than conventional equities. An allocation in gold is therefore to an extent an insurance policy against falling share prices.

Swiss real estate – Swiss real estate has performed very well in the last few years. An allocation to Swiss real estate makes sense, as residential space is limited at the same time that the population in Switzerland is increasing. In addition, as an asset class real estate is benefiting from low interest rates. There is not a strong correlation with conventional asset classes. Real estate is therefore a good way to diversify your portfolio.

Equities USA This asset class covers the economic performance of the USA. Investment is in a broadly diversified fund, so you invest in the largest US equities and cover almost all sectors of the US economy.

Sustainable food production - Against the backdrop of dwindling natural resources, it is becoming more and more difficult to supply a growing global population with healthy, affordable and nutritious food whilst simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions and environmental damage. The food industry has begun to react to this by expanding the choice of plant-based proteins, increasing sustainability in agriculture, and improving supply chains and packaging. Consumers, too, are increasingly thinking about food security and the origin of their food. This ETF provides an opportunity to invest in companies that are innovative along the whole food value chain in order to build a secure, fair and more sustainable food system for our planet.