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Our publications


Personal opinions and comments on financial topics of all kinds.

Information on subsequent payments into pillar 3a

Subsequent payments into pillar 3a can be made from the 2025 tax year. That means missing pillar 3a contributions can be paid retroactively for the first time from 2026 (going back to 2025). Ordinary contributions for the current tax year as well as subsequent payments are both equally tax deductible for the year of payment. Subsequent payments are generally subject to the same rules as regular payments.

Maximum security, maximum user-friendliness: your guide to using CIC eLounge securely

CIC eLounge has very high security standards, both for the computer and via mobile app. Nevertheless, criminals keep using various methods to obtain confidential information. Find out in this post how you can use CIC eLounge in a more secure way.

Security on the internet

Worried about security on the internet? You’re not the only one. In today’s digital world, protecting your financial data really matters. Fraudsters use cunning techniques to get hold of our personal data and cause us financial harm. This blog will tell you all you need to know about the commonest forms of fraud on the internet and give you valuable tips on how to protect yourself and your data.

Cybersecurity in e-banking: Trust and security in a digitally connected world

Rapid digitalisation of the financial industry has revolutionised the way people do their banking. This has not only increased efficiency and user-friendliness, but also created new challenges when it comes to security and data protection. For banks, ensuring a protected digital environment is a top priority. For this reason, they continuously invest in innovative technologies and training to constantly maintain security standards.

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